United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Ports Identification and Comparison to Support Floating Offshore Wind

Identifying potential ports to support floating offshore wind (OSW) operations was the first step for one developer looking to expand OSW energy production in the UK.

Moffatt & Nichol was engaged by an OSW developer to identify potential UK ports capable of supporting OSW component construction, marshalling, installation, and operations and maintenance. The client commissioned the study to evaluate strategies for an upcoming floating OSW seabed leasing round.

In collaboration with the client, Moffatt & Nichol established a basis of analysis document to assess OSW port requirements and site screening criteria against the existing port infrastructure. The study team developed a long list of potential ports, which was narrowed to less than a dozen after holding a site screening workshop with the client. Moffatt & Nichol undertook further analysis, site visits, and meetings with port management at the ports that made the short list.

The ports were assessed and scored using a multi-criteria analysis that included land access, distance to the offshore site, dredging requirements, berth access, ease of environmental consenting, existing port facilities, and synergy with other projects the ports were committed to developing. Moffatt & Nichol’s understanding of the environmental constraints and consenting routes and risks was of particularly high importance to the client.

Moffatt & Nichol developed conceptual layout plans and project development schedules for the top three sites from the multi-criteria analysis. The plans illustrated the infrastructure upgrades required at each port, and in conjunction with the CAPEX assessments and schedules, supported the client in making an important investment decision.