The Pike at Rainbow Harbor commercial development project. The effort transformed 23 acres of undeveloped land used as a parking lot for the Long Beach Convention Center into a thriving dining and entertainment district that connects the convention center with the waterfront and the Aquarium of the Pacific. The design features a 14-screen cinema complex, retail and restaurant spaces, a 2,250-car parking structure, and a 375-car employee parking lot.
During the planning phase, Moffatt & Nichol prepared site topographic drawings, conceptual plans for new streets and utility relocations, and tentative site design elevations. Because the site is located on Long Beach tidelands property, Moffatt & Nichol also prepared parcel maps and legal descriptions of the site for land and title recording prior to the city leasing the site to the developer. Moffatt & Nichol worked closely with the design team and initiated coordination with public and private agencies for power, telephone, gas, water, fire, sewer, and other services.
Before the final design phase, Moffatt & Nichol provided plans and specifications for clearing the site, relocating or demolishing existing utilities, protecting an existing 18-well injection site, and relocating 1,500 feet of 54-inch storm drain that crosses the site. The firm also prepared the development’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
During the final design phase, Moffatt & Nichol prepared plans, specifications, and cost estimates for grading; street plans and profiles; signalization at seven intersections; roadway stripping; parking lots; and new utilities, including storm drains, sewers, gas, water, electrical, and fire protection. The firm ensured that all designs complied with the city’s Local Coastal Permit, which contains height and ocean view restrictions and with the new Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan requirements.