SR 25/South Coastal Highway and Trippe boulevard Roundabout

Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of SR 25/ South Coastal Highway and Trippe Boulevard

The Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) is seeking feedback about a proposed solution to congestion at the intersection of State Route 25 (SR 25)/South Coastal Highway and Trippe Boulevard, Chatham County, Georgia.

GPA invites you to review the materials presented below and provide comments by October 1, 2023.

View Project Introductory Presentation

1. Why is this Project Proposed?

This project is proposed to improve safety and traffic operations at the intersection of SR 25 and Trippe Boulevard by converting the existing stop-controlled intersection into a single-lane roundabout.

View Project Location

2. Benefits of Project Implementation:
  • Improve safety by slowing drivers traveling at high speeds that approach the intersection, which reduces the risk of a high-speed crash
  • Improve traffic flow and accommodate future growth

3. Current conditions at the intersection of SR 25/South Coastal highway and Trippe Boulevard
  • Two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction)
  • Left turn lanes on SR 25/South Coastal Highway
  • Two-way, stop sign controlled at Trippe Boulevard
  • No crosswalks for pedestrians

4. Without this project (No Build):
  • Crash rates and injury crash rates would rise
  • Traffic congestion and mobility would worsen at the intersection

5. Why a Roundabout?

The installation of a roundabout was considered and selected since it meets the needs of the project justification to improve safety and operational performance. Properly designed roundabouts improve safety by reducing the number of conflict points and angle crashes, which lower the potential for injuries and fatal crashes. An evaluation of all the alternatives suggested that a roundabout best addresses the crash history, safety considerations, and operational issues for this intersection.


This project proposes to convert the existing two-way stop-controlled intersection of SR 25 and Trippe Boulevard into a four-legged, single-lane roundabout. The proposed roundabout would have an inside diameter of 130 feet and an 18-foot-wide travel lane within the roundabout. Sidewalks are not part of the proposed project.



Public comments will be accepted until October 1, 2023 by emailing