
Always looking toward what’s next in transportation, our experts guide projects both large and small from planning to procurement, whether traditional, design-build, or P3.

Rail and Intermodal

From feasibility analysis and strategic advice through rail planning, grant writing, design, permitting, program management, design-build, and construction oversight, the Moffatt & Nichol team has helped railroads, states, localities, transit authorities, port authorities and shippers to safely achieve their operational and market goals.

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Bridges and Grade Separations

From bundled small bridge programs to award-winning landmarks such as the San Francisco-Oakland East Bay Bridge, the largest self-anchored suspension bridge in the world, Moffatt & Nichol’s bridge services span the entire life of a bridge. We offer comprehensive bridge design, bridge inspection, and bridge load rating services, covering environmental clearance, preliminary and detailed engineering, design-build, construction support, inspection, rehabilitation, and seismic retrofit. Moffatt & Nichol has applied its structural capabilities to planning and/or designing more than 700 bridge and grade separation projects throughout the United States.

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Roadway and Civil

Our firm assists local, state, and federal governments to maintain, reconstruct, expand, or build arterial roads, interchanges, culverts, roundabouts, as well as sound and retaining walls and other civil infrastructure. Our transportation engineers deliver designs that are environmentally-sensitive and supportive of community goals. We deliver projects that meet our client’s cost, budget and objectives through goal-driven planning, continuous schedule and cost analyses, thorough quality assurance and quality control with an emphasis on traffic management and safety.

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