Savannah, GA
United States

Garden City Terminal Programme Management

The Georgia Ports Authority includes the deepwater ports of Savannah and Brunswick as well as inland terminals in Chatsworth, Bainbridge, and Columbus.

Moffatt & Nichol has served as programme manager for the Georgia Ports Authority since 2004. We have provided feasibility studies, market analysis, port planning, cost analysis and capital budgeting, on-call support for priority projects, project coordination services, preliminary and detailed design, and regulatory functions on the Authority's numerous terminals. These services support the Authority's larger goal of improving its competitive position in the East Coast and North American port market.

Moffatt & Nichol has also served as project manager for several new capital construction projects developed according to a terminal master plan and completed within constrained time frames and under budget. During the time we have been the Authority's programme manager, the Port of Savannah, which is part of the Georgia Port Authority, has grown to become the fourth largest port in the United States.