Le Havre

Terminaux de Normandie Master Planning

To meet increased regional volume demand, terminal operator Terminal Investment Limited (TiL) aligned its conversion strategy with state-of-the-art operational technologies to redevelop an existing container terminal.

Moffatt & Nichol was engaged to review, analyse, and propose amendments to two terminal layouts developed by TiL for the expansion and redevelopment project, which included newly acquired additional berths and land area. The team first reviewed and updated the layouts to meet operational requirements, then developed a multi-criteria comparative analysis of the two layouts, considering quayside operations, ship-to-shore crane configuration, horizontal transport systems, yard areas, landside operations, static capacity analysis of current and future gate operations, and other relevant service areas.

Moffatt & Nichol developed the Capex and Opex, including benchmark data for present operations (labour model, costs etc.) for each option. Following discussions with TiL, the team collectively selected one terminal layout for further analysis and detailing. For the preferred option, Moffatt & Nichol produced high-level graphic phasing concepts for implementing the improvement and development schemes. A FlexTerm dynamic simulation model was used to validate the developed terminal layout.