Espírito Santo

Market and Demand Study of Brazilian Greenfield Facility

Imetame Logística Porto invited Moffatt & Nichol to undertake a market and demand study to evaluate the commercial potential of a greenfield facility in Espírito Santo, Brazil.

The study would support the preparation of a business plan supporting long-term finance, with Imetame Logística Porto acting as the Sponsor.

Moffatt & Nichol proposed an approach that quantified the potential market of the greenfield facility and defined its captive hinterland by utilising its in-house Least Cost Market Area modelling application.

The study involved the review and analysis of an existing sponsor market study and any other related traffic data, which identified potential downsides and upsides.

The facility’s potential to develop as a transhipment hub was evaluated, and the competitive landscape, rate of market penetration and market share capture from incumbent players were defined.

The study also identified the facility’s captive inland area and detailed trade flows generated within it. The macro-economic factors underpinning trade growth, existing transport infrastructure and future development within the captive area were evaluated, as well as the impact this may have on the competitiveness of the terminal’s value proposition.