Various Locations

United States Coast Guard

Vital to maritime commerce, national defense, law enforcement, and public safety on the water, the U. S. Coast Guard (USCG) is America’s maritime first responder.

To assist USCG’s priority to maximize readiness today and tomorrow, Moffatt & Nichol provides an extensive and successful record of supporting USCG’s mission by delivering planning and engineering services for a full range of waterfront projects for this cornerstone client throughout the United States, such as facility inspections, project planning and documentation, analysis and evaluation, design, construction document preparation, and construction phase support.

Typical USCG projects have included navigation studies, offshore navigation range structures, dredging, dredged material placement, waterfront marine structures—such as piers, wharves, bulkheads, and mooring and fendering system—and both fixed and floating dock systems. Coastal engineering projects have included revetments, breakwaters, jetties, groins, shore protection, beach nourishment, inlet and sand management, and marsh creation and stabilization. Landside work has involved drainage and stormwater management systems, military industrial buildings, and utility systems.