With an emphasis on pedestrian accommodation, this transportation project will improve walkability for an urbanized section of highway that passes through Siler City, North Carolina.
Moffatt & Nichol is providing planning, business and community outreach, and engineering design services to improve a heavily urbanized section of US 64 Siler City, North Carolina. Project goals include retrofitting a major arterial running through the growing community’s business node, with design improvements to enhance roadway efficiency and safety.
Community walkability improvement strategies include high visibility crosswalks, ADA-compliant median refuge islands, and, in some instances, hybrid high intensity activated crosswalk, or “HAWK”, beacon systems. Grass raised medians separating traffic have been proposed where possible to achieve a boulevard effect, which will enhance the aesthetic appeal of the project corridor.
Proposed “superstreet” concepts include the use of directional median U-turn crossovers and U-turn bulb-outs to facilitate large tractor trailer and bus turning movements along narrow medians. Raised and flush median section widths vary throughout the project to minimize the need for right of way acquisition. A modified concrete island has been developed as part of the project design to accommodate emergency vehicles crossings at one of the most congested intersections in the project limits.